Originally called Info, before it was renamed VivaVoce in 1993, this journal was published by Archiv Frau und Musik until the end of 2015. It was the only German-language professional body of publishing on the subject of women and music, in the field of serious music. It published interviews with women composers and conductors, articles on historical and contemporary women composers, and reviews of concerts, books, and CDs. In addition, VivaVoce provided a forum for all those who actively participated in public musical life. As part of the 2018 digitization project of our holdings for the Digital German Women’s Archive, all issues of VivaVoce were digitized. The previous issues and their contents can be researched via the META catalog.
One could subscribe to the VivaVoce at a price of 26 € (33 € abroad) per year. However, due to the archive’s unfortunately difficult financial situation, we were forced to pause the VivaVoce from issue 100 on. Reorders of the not-out-of-print back issues which aren’t out of print are possible at any time. Prices on request. If an online edition can be implemented in the future, you will find the issues starting with No. 101 here. If you are interested in our anniversary issue No. 100, just send us an e-mail with your postal address to info[at]archiv-frau-musik.de and transfer 9 € (special edition) to
Sparkasse Frankfurt
SORT CODE 500 502 01
Archive Woman and Music
Account no.: 200 204 092
IBAN: DE04 5005 0201 0200 2040 92
Subscribtion to VivaVoce is unfortunately no longer possible at this time. We appreciate donations to help finance a new issue!
You can still purchase old issues of VivaVoce (from No. 99 onwards) at a price of 4,50 € per issue. Please write us an e-mail to info[at]archiv-frau-musik.de.